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Sewda, A, SR White, M Erazo, K Hao, G García-Fructuoso, I Fernández-Rodriguez, Y Heuzé, JT Richtsmeier, PA Romitti, B Reva, EW Jabs, I Peter 2018 Targeted next-generation sequencing identifies novel coding variants in patients with nonsyndromic craniosynostosis (in press, Pediatric Research)

Flaherty, KV, and JT Richtsmeier 2018 It’s about time: Ossification center formation in C57BL/6 mice from E12-E16J. Dev. Biol., 6, 31; doi:10.3390/jdb6040031, PMID: 30558321.

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Richtsmeier, JT and SM Motch Perrine 2018 Craniofacial development, normal and abnormal. In The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology, W Trevathan, editor, John Wiley and Sons, in press.

Lesciotto, K, Y Heuzé, EW Jabs, JM Bernstein, JT Richtsmeier 2018  Choanal atresia and craniosynostosis: development and diseasePlast Reconstr Surg 141(1):156-168. PMID: 29280877; PMCID: PMC5747311. PDF

Joganic, J, KE Willmore, JT Richtsmeier, MC Mahaney, J Rogers, JM Cheverud 2018 Additive genetic variation in the craniofacial skeleton of baboons (genus Papio) and its relationship to body and cranial sizeAmer J Phys Anthropol, 165(2): 269-285. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajpa.23349/epdf

Martínez-Abadías, N, R Mateu, J Sastre, S Motch Perrine, M Yoon, A Robert-Moreno, J Swoger, L Russo, K Kawasaki, JT Richtsmeier, J Sharpe 2018 Quantification of gene expression patterns to reveal the origins of abnormal morphogenesis. eLife 2018;7:e36405 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.36405 (article disseminated to the public as an eLife Digest) [bioRΧiv doi.org/10.1101/246256]. PMCID: PMC6199133

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