Dolack, ME, C Lee, Y Ru, A Marghoub, JT Richtsmeier, EW Jabs, M Moazen, DA Garzón-Alvarado, RH Kraft 2019 Computational morphogenesis of embryonic bone development: past, present, and future. In, GL Niebur, ed., Mechanobiology: from molecular sensing to disease. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-817931-4.00011-X
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Motch Perrine, SM, Wu, M, Stephens, NB, Kriti, D, van Bakel, H, Wang Jabs, E, Richtsmeier, JT 2019 Mandibular dysmorphology due to abnormal embryonic osteogenesis in FGFR2-related craniosynostosis mice, Disease Models & Mechanisms,
Lee, C, JT Richtsmeier, R Kraft 2019 A coupled reaction-diffusion-strain model predicts cranial vault formation in development and disease, Biomech model mechanobiol, NIHMSID: 1019092. Abstract
Lesciotto, KM, Richtsmeier, JT 2019 Craniofacial skeletal response to encephalization: How do we know what we think we know? Amer J Phys Anthropol. 168(S67):27-46.
Lesciotto KM, Motch Perrine SM, Kawasaki M, Stecko T, Ryan TM, Kawasaki K, Richtsmeier JT 2019 Phosphotungstic acid-enhanced microCT: Optimized protocols for embryonic and early postnatal mice. Developmental Dynamics 249(4): 573-585, PMCID: PMC7125040 [with cover illustration]
Richtsmeier, JT and KM Lesciotto 2019 From phenotype to genotype and back again (Du génotype au phénotype et vice versa). BMSAP,
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