Ye, X, A Guilmatre, B Reva, I Peter, Y Heuzé, JT Richtsmeier, DJ Fox, CM Druschel, RJ Goedken, EW Jabs, PA Romitti 2016 Mutation screening of candidate genes in patients with nonsyndromic sagittal craniosynostosis. Plast and Reconstr Surgery, 137(3):952-61. PMCID: PMC4770826  [PDF].

Flaherty, KV, N Singh, JT Richtsmeier 2016 Understanding craniosynostosis as a growth disorderWIREs Dev Biol 5: 429-459. doi: 10.1002/wdev.227. PMCID: PMC4911263  [PDF].

Taneyhill, L, J Hoover-Fong, S Lozanoff, R Marcucio, JT Richtsmeier, PA Trainor 2016 The society for craniofacial genetics and developmental biology 38th annual meetingAm J Med Genet Part A 9999A:1–22, DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.37651; PMID: 27102868 [PDF].

Baab, KL, P Brown, D Falk, JT Richtsmeier, CF Hildebolt, K Smith, W Jungers 2016 A critical evaluation of the Down syndrome diagnosis for LB1, type specimen of Homo floresiensisPLoS ONE 11(6): e0155731. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155731; PMID: 27275928, PMCID: PMC4898715  [PDF].

Heuzé, Y, K Kawasaki, T Schwarz, JJ Schoenebeck, JT Richtsmeier 2016 Developmental and evolutionary significance of the zygomatic bone. The anatomical record 299:1616–1630. PMID: 27870340. doi10.1002/ar.23449.

Singh, N, T Dutka, RH Reeves, JT Richtsmeier 2016 Chronic up-regulation of sonic hedgehog has little effect on postnatal craniofacial morphology of euploid and trisomic mice. Devel dyn 245:114–122.  epub ahead of print doi: 10.1002/dvdy.24361. PMID: 26509735; PMCID: PMC4715749. [PDF].

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