Reeves RH, LL Baxter, JT Richtsmeier.  2001  Too much of a good thing: mechanisms of gene action in Down syndrome.  Trends in Genetics, 17(2):79-84. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9525(00)02172-7

Lele S, and JT Richtsmeier.  2001 An invariant approach to statistical analysis of shapes, Interdisciplinary Studies in Statistics series, Chapman and Hall-CRC Press, London.  [See The Purple Book]

DeLeon VB, M Zumpano, JT Richtsmeier.  2001  The effect of neurocranial surgery on basicranial morphology in isolated sagittal craniosynostosis. Cleft Palate-Craniofacial J, 38(2):134-146.  DOI: 10.1597/1545-1569_2001_038_0134_teonso_2.0.co_2

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