Richtsmeier JT, and A Walker.  1993  Morphometric analysis of facial growth in Homo erectus. In The Nariokotome Homo erectus skeleton, RE Leakey and A Walker, eds., Harvard University Press. Pp. 391-410.

Richtsmeier JT, JM Cheverud, SM Danahey, BC Corner, S Lele.  1993  Sexual dimorphism of ontogeny in the crab-eating macaque (Macaca fascicularis).   J Hum Evol, 25(1):1-30.

Richtsmeier JT, and S Lele.  1993  A coordinate-free approach to the analysis of growth patterns: models and theoretical considerations.   Biological Reviews, 68(3):381-411.  https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-185X.1993.tb00737.x

Richtsmeier JT, BD Corner, HM Grausz, JM Cheverud, S Danahey.  1993  The role of postnatal growth pattern in the production of facial morphology.   Systematic Biology, 42(3):307-330.  https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/42.3.307 

Richtsmeier JT.  1993  Beyond morphing: visualization to predict a child’s skull growth.  Advanced Imaging, 8(7):24-27.

Corner BD and JT Richtsmeier.  1993  Cranial growth and growth dimorphism in Ateles geoffroyi.   Amer J Phys Anthropol, 92(3):371-394. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.1330920308

Wong L, JT Richtsmeier, PN Manson.  1993  Craniofacial growth following rigid fixation: suture excision, miniplating, and microplating.   J Craniofac Surg, 4(4):234-244.  [Abstract]

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